Precision sanding ... anything handy I can share.
This is a rather simple idea, yet maybe you never thought of it.
I have a wide variety of sanding blocks and sticks made per occasion and my best eureka moment was to raise my sanding block by taping bits of wood to the ends. This enables extremely accurate sanding.
- You can use the 'sanding bridge' to sand material down to exact dimensions.
- You can use it to sand finished framework dead flat without worrying you sand to much somewhere.
- You can use it to produce accurate notches, recesses, etc.
It's a manual alternative to planing machines and milling cutters (... for those who don't have the money or space for machinery).
Tape short sticks or strips with the correct thickness to the ends of the sanding block, on top of the sanding paper. The sanding is done on smooth MDF board, holding the work piece flat. First check the result on a piece of scrap; if necessary do some fine adjustment by adding tape. Never lift the working piece or the sanding block from the board and use your vacuum cleaner a lot, so no dust gets under it.
I use very coarse sanding paper (.80), stuck to the sanding block with Gudy© 870.