Fabricating trailing edges ... anything handy I can share.
In the spirit of precision sanding, here's how you can easily fabricate trailing edges with perfect cross section, by putting balsa strips on a plate and use the table edge as a guide.
First draw the desired cross section plus the plate's thickness and determine what distance the plate has to be from the table edge. If you have CAD software you can also make a quick drawing.
Position the plate and put some weight on it to keep it there.
Cover half your sanding block with masking tape so you don't sand off the table edge.
Use a black marker to color the top of the balsa strips.
Use one hand to hold the balsa strip to the edge of the plate.
Put the taped end of the sanding block at the table edge and sand the strip down till the black marking has vanished.
When done, remove the tape from the sanding block and do a little final sanding lengthwise.